  1. How To Uninstall My Passport For Mac Catalina
  2. How To Uninstall My Passport For Mac Free
  3. How To Uninstall My Passport For Mac Windows 7
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How To Uninstall My Passport For Mac Catalina

Have WD MY PASSPORT FOR MAC and I want to back up my MacBook Air, what do I need to do? MacBook Air, iOS 5.0.1 Posted on Dec 8, 2013 7:48 AM. Skip this and learn how to remove Windows Passport Utility! Windows Passport Utility is a fake rogue anti-spyware program that is part of the Fake Microsoft Security Essentials infection. WD My Passport External Hard Drive Data Recovery for Mac As long as lost files on your WD My Passport drive haven't been overwritten by new data and you drive can still be recognized as a drive by your Mac, you’re likely to restore all lost data with the help of a WD My Passport data recovery program such as Recoverit (IS) for Mac. This powerful utility enables you to recover WD My. Click the Start menu and type the Uninstall a program command in the search field. Tap the Enter button on your system’s keyboard. Frpas. Now the Uninstall or Change a program window will open. Scroll down the screen, locate the Western Digital Discovery application and select it.

How To Uninstall My Passport For Mac Free

How to uninstall my passport for mac catalina

How To Uninstall My Passport For Mac Windows 7

  • Launch the default web browser of your Mac device.
  • Navigate to the support page of WD.
  • Click the Downloads tab available at the top of the screen.
  • Choose the Software by Product option. Scroll down the screen. You can find the Software for Mac title.
  • In the Software for Mac section, locate the Install Discovery for Mac option and click the plus (+) icon next to it.
  • Now, the detailed information of the Western Digital Discovery application will appear on the screen.
  • Click the Download button. Wait for the download process to complete.
  • After the download process, locate the downloaded Western Digital Discovery .exe file on your system and open it to begin the installation process.
  • Perform the on-screen instructions to finish the installation.
  • Enter your Mac system’s password in the given field when prompted.
  • After the installation, launch the WD Discovery application by clicking the WD icon available in the menu bar.
  • Open the Western Digital Discovery application on your Mac system.
  • The list of devices connected to your Mac system will appear on the Western Digital Discovery window.