Handbook for the preparation of annual accounts under Luxembourg accounting framework 3 Introduction The main legal reference in this publication is the law of 19 December 2002, governing the register of commerce and companies and the accounting and annual accounts of undertakings (hereafter the “Accounting Law” or the “Law”). Warning, this action will download the whole document into PDF format. Manual of accounting Interim fi nancial reporting 2012 This ‘Manual of accounting’ contains PwC’s comprehensive guidance on preparing interim fi nancial reports under IAS 34, ‘Interim fi nancial reporting’.

Pwc accounting guides


Publication date: 07 Jan 2020

The Manual of Accounting – IFRS chapters are displayed with the explanation of the requirements of the standards at the start followed by the illustrative examples which demonstrate the practical application of the principles of the standards.

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Pwc Accounting Guides

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  • Order hard copies

    The Manual of accounting - IFRS 2020 is a three-volume set.

    Pricing and order details

    The set is priced at £166 plus postage and packaging (p&p) and can be ordered from www.ifrspublicationsonline.com. PwC staff should refer to the internal order form to order hard copies.

    PwC audit clients and alumni are entitled to purchase this publication at the discounted rate. To place your order, please register your details on our ordering page or contact your engagement team.

  • Order as an ebook

    The Manual of accounting – IFRS is available for purchase as an ebook via the LexisNexis e-store (also available packaged with hard copy). PwC staff should refer to the internal page as well as instructions on ordering discounted copies for clients.

Pwc Accounting And Reporting Manual

See also