More Slaanesh Keeper Of Secrets videos

Exalted Keeper of Secrets is on the menu for Slaanesh. Which means you’ll have more new abilities, too. Here’s one that’s been teased: That’s a pretty nasty trick and while you’re hunting down those who are afraid, why not poke them with a new relic?

Keeper of Secrets..
  • DAEMONS OF SLAANESH KEEPER OF SECRETS. 1 star 2 stars 3 stars 4 stars 5 stars. 1 star 2 stars 3 stars 4 stars 5 stars.
  • Subject: Keeper of Secrets. Slaanesh Veteran Marine with Tentacles. But I dropped it today at my local GW store for a Slaanesh painting competition.

Slaanesh Keeper Of Secrets Size




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Subject: Keeper of Secrets..

Slaanesh Veteran Marine with Tentacles

I don't really play deamons, but when this miniature was announced I knew that I needed to get and paint it..
Slaanesh has always been my favorite Chaos power, since the day of the old Realm of Chaos books..
When it came time to choose the options I liked all of them, so I decided to convert it to have more arms.
Work in progress p&m blog :
United Colors of Chaos , Relating my ongoing battle with grey plastic..
2019 hobby running tally: bought: 129, sold: 60, built: 78, painted: 5
8000pts 4000pts 5000pts 2000pts 3500pts 1500pts
Subject: Keeper of Secrets..

Pyro Pilot of a Triach Stalker

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Subject: Keeper of Secrets..

Painlord Titan Princeps of Slaanesh

That's a really, really, really nice mini. Kudos.
Out of interest, how tall is it?
The Fall of Kronstaat IV
Война Народная Voyna Narodnaya The People's War - 2,765pts painted (updated 06/05/20)
Волшебная Сказка Volshebnaya Skazka A Fairy Tale (updated 29/12/19, ep10 - And All That Could Have Been)
Kabal of The Violet Heart (updated 02/02/2020)
All 'crimes' should be treasured if they bring you pleasure somehow.
Subject: Keeper of Secrets..

Slaanesh Veteran Marine with Tentacles

Excommunicatus wrote:
That's a really, really, really nice mini. Kudos.
Out of interest, how tall is it?

as a reference, here it is next to a wraithlord..
Work in progress p&m blog :
United Colors of Chaos , Relating my ongoing battle with grey plastic..
2019 hobby running tally: bought: 129, sold: 60, built: 78, painted: 5
8000pts 4000pts 5000pts 2000pts 3500pts 1500pts
Subject: Keeper of Secrets..

Painlord Titan Princeps of Slaanesh

I have no idea how tall a Wraithlord is, but I'm sure google does.
What's on the base?
EDIT - Would it be fair to say that, excluding base elevation, She's about an inch taller than the Wraithlord?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/05/30 17:03:22

Free download vuze old version

The Fall of Kronstaat IV
Война Народная Voyna Narodnaya The People's War - 2,765pts painted (updated 06/05/20)
Волшебная Сказка Volshebnaya Skazka A Fairy Tale (updated 29/12/19, ep10 - And All That Could Have Been)
Kabal of The Violet Heart (updated 02/02/2020)
All 'crimes' should be treasured if they bring you pleasure somehow.
Subject: Keeper of Secrets..

Slaanesh Veteran Marine with Tentacles

the base is made with pieces of the 'new' GW terrain kits..
I'd say it's more like two inches taller than the wraithlord.. I would take a ruler and give you a precise measure, but I dropped it today at my local GW store for a Slaanesh painting competition.. I'd estimate it at around 15-16 cm tall (so around 6 inches..)..

Do i need pywin32 for mac. This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/05/30 17:10:18

Work in progress p&m blog :
United Colors of Chaos , Relating my ongoing battle with grey plastic..
2019 hobby running tally: bought: 129, sold: 60, built: 78, painted: 5
8000pts 4000pts 5000pts 2000pts 3500pts 1500pts

Slaanesh Daemons Keeper Of Secrets

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