Rohan Gm Commands Hack
- Rohan Gm Commands Hack Password
- Rohan Gm Commands Hack Commands
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Making Yourself a GM
File in Videorohanclient: Googledrive: or: or http://rantenah. Nov 26, 2009 You can download rohan giant ph hack at here. Below link rohan ph dual giant after patch dual november. Download rohan ph hack. Copy the multiclient.bat ang paste in to rohan giant patch. Run the multiclient.bat on rohan giant patch. Login run now the multiclient.bat in your old client. You are now in dual client. Rohan Online Hack, Rohan Hacks, Rohan Online Hacks, Free Rohan Online Hacks. Register for benefits! GG Commands for RohanPH. Awdawdawdawdawdaw By aw14: 8 Votes. Hacks for rohan UPDATE This EXE Contains: GM Commands Remove Chat Filter No Skill Cooldown See All Monster / Player Lev. Ka0zzz: 12 Votes.
GM Commands Remove Chat Filter No Skill Cooldown See All Monster / Player Levels See All Player Names. The damage hack has been fixed by the developers of Rohan and will no longer be available. I'll check to see if I can do it another way, but for right now the damage hack will not work. However, everything else is fine. Source from Sorien.
See: Make My Character a GM
Movement Speed
!speed value
Where value can be any number from 1 to 255. Default character speed is roughly 40, or 60 on many of the test servers.
Examples !speed 255
Gives you the maximum possible speed (currently)
!speed 40
Sets your speed to the retail default
Effects It will give you the 'quickening' status effect when done correctly. You can remove this effect by hitting the '+' key twice and then hitting enter on the quickening status icon.
!hp value
!mp value
!tp value
Where value is a number from 0 to (probably) 65535.
!hp 250
Sets your current HP to 250 or max if you have less than 250 total HP.
!mp 250
Sets your current MP to 250 or max if you have less than 250 total MP.
!tp 300
Sets your current TP to 300 (max).
You should observe your HP/MP/TP updating immediately on your client.
Teleport to Any Zone
!zone zoneid
Where zoneid is the ID as listed in Zone IDs. You can also use an auto-translate string as the zoneid for most zones.
!zone 243
!zone {Ru'Lude Gardens}
Would instantly send your character to Ru'Lude Gardens
A loading screen should appear, and when finished, your character should be in the area you specified. An invalid Zone ID can cause server instability.
Walking Through Walls/Getting Unstuck
Used once, it will turn off collision detection. Used again, it will turn it back on.
You will be able to walk through walls and to parts of the map not intended to be seen or used. If you are too far above the ground and turn wallhack off, you may become stuck rather than falling to the land below. Useful when @zone sends you somewhere and you cannot move. There is currently no way to affect your elevation with this on.
Add Items to your Inventory
!additem itemId quantity aug0 aug0val aug1 aug1val aug2 aug2val aug3 aug3val trialId
Where itemId is an ID from ID References or the ID number in the item's url from FFXIAH.
Optional parameters:
quantity is an optional value, and tells the game how many of the item to give. If not given, 1 is assumed. If the item type does not stack, you will only get 1 regardless of the quantity specified.
aug0, aug1, aug2, and aug3 are augment IDs.aug0val, aug1val, aug2val and aug3val are the values for each augment. Augment IDs can be found here: Augments
!additem 17644
Gives you the one-handed variant of the Judge Sword. The ID comes from the FFXIAH URL for this sword:
!additem 13548 2
Will only give you 1 Astral ring, since rings do not stack.
!additem 1179 99
Gives you a stack of 99 shihei.
!additem 13548 1 1 15
Will give you 1 Astral Ring, with the augment HP+16 (aug0) and the augment's power increased by 15 (aug0Val) because the base amount at power of zero is 1 hp.
There is no notification that this command has worked. You will have to open your inventory and see if the item is there. It will not work if your inventory is full.
Add/Delete Key Items
!addkeyitem value
!delkeyitem value
Where value is an ID from the Key Item IDs
!addkeyitem 824
Gives you the key item Quartz Transmitter
There is no notification that his code has worked. You will have to open your key items list and see if the item is there. Using this may break some scripted events, but using it to add maps should be fairly safe.
Add All Maps
!addallmaps player
Gives the player, or the person using the command if player isn't typed, all valid maps.
!addallmaps Kazuki
Gives Kazuki all Magical Maps.
Set Gil
!setgil value
Where value is the amount of gil
!setgil 100000
Sets your current amount of gil to 100,000
There is no notification that his code has worked. You will have to open your status page or equipment page and check how much gil you have.
Add Spells
!addspell value
Where value is an ID from Spell IDs
May also use !addallspells
which will give you every spell to your character.
!addspell 106
Reader rabbit thinking adventures ages 4 6 free download. Grants you the spell Phalanx
Play Animation
!animation value
Where value is from Animation IDs
!animation 3
Plays the animation for death
The character should perform the animation specified. Using animation 0 may allow your character to move again if @release fails.
Change Job (Main or Sub)
!changejob value level
!changesjob value level
Where value is either from Job IDs or the three-letter abbreviation for the job.
Level specifies the level to set the job you are changing to.Subjob will still be restriced, based on settings, to fraction of main job level.
!changejob war 30
Makes you a level 30 Warrior
!changejob 15 70
Makes you a level 70 Summoner
!changesjob war 30
Sets your sub job to Warrior level 30
!changesjob 15 37
Sets your subjob to Summoner level 37
Set Player Level
!setplayerlevel playerName value
PlayerName is any player in the game. Value can be any number from 1 to 255.
!setplayerlevel Link 65
Changes a players level.
It will give you the 'quickening' status effect when done correctly. You can remove this effect by hitting the '+' key twice and then hitting enter on the quickening status icon.
Set Costume
!costume value
Where value is from Costume IDs
!costume '
Sets the player's costume to '
Only useful for testing at this point.
Play Cut-scene/Event
!cs value
Where value is from Event IDs
!cs '
Plays the cutscene '
Spawn/Despawn Mobs
!spawnmob value
!despawnmob value
Where value is a Monster ID (check sql/mob_spawn_points.sql in the source, but anything not uniquely named will have to be referenced by its position as well) and specifies exactly one mob instance in the game world. It cannot be used to spawn creatures that do not exist in a zone, or to spawn creatures in a different location than normal.
!spawnmob 17187111
Spawns the notorious monster Jaggedy-Eared Jack. He will spawn in his usual spawn location, which is not necessarily near the player.
Causes a single spawned creature to be removed from play immediately, or causes a single creature to be put into play immediately.
Manually Inject a Packet on the Player
!inject value
Where value is a packet stored in a file.
!inject test.dat
Sends the packet stored in the file 'test.dat' to the client
To understand this command, an understanding of the ffximon tool is helpful. You can use it to inject altered packets (or even vanilla packets) to the client who issued the command. Helps when having to sift through large numbers of packet dumps to determine which has the effect you are looking for.
Release Character from a Cutscene
If viewing a cutscene or otherwise unable to move, it attempts to end the cutscene and restore movement to the player.
Sends the client a packet that informs them that an event has ended so that movement can be restored immediately. This may have some ill side effects, such as fade-out effects or camera angles being locked. Use an !zone command to clear these issues. If that is not sufficient (such as the case when calling a completion cut-scene with the wrong values for the summoner quests) you may need to log off to fix it.
Show Coordinate Position
Prints the player's current location and facing values to the chat log.
Prints the player's current location and facing values to the chat log.
Position Manipulation
!pos X Y Z (ZoneID)
!goto Charactername
!bring Charactername
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!pos 121 1 -92
Takes you to the position X: 121 Y: 1 Z: -92 in the current zone.
!pos -76 32 -4 178
Takes you to Kirin's spawn point in The Shrine of Ru'Avitau, regardless of where you are currently.
!goto Bill
Sends your character to the location that the player named 'Bill' is currently at (they may move between the time this command is executed and the time you finish zoning).
!bring Bill
Brings the character named Bill to the zone and position you were at at the time of execution of the command. It may take a few seconds for the player's character to finish loading.
Allows for spatial manipulation of characters in 3 dimensions. Can be useful for quest testing by bringing yourself to related NPCs instantly, as well as a variety of other uses. While @bring can effectively be used to jail a character, you should instead use the dedicated commands for this task.
Send a Character to Their Homepoint
!homepoint Charname
!homepoint Bill
Sends the character named 'Bill' to his currently set homepoint.
Can be used to fix stuck characters. Has a similar effect to a 'Warp II' spell.
Set a Pet's TP
!pettp #
Where # is the amount of TP to set.
!pettp 300
If you have a pet (beastmaster pet, summoned avatar, wyvern), set the pet's current TP to 300.
Allows you to test the effective power of pet abilities at various TP levels by setting the TP right before triggering a move that relies on it.
'God Mode'
Toggles godmode on or off.
Grants the GM a number of effects with indefinite duration. Usefulness is subjective. Granted effects include: Invincible, Perfect Dodge, Mighty Strikes, Hundred Fists, and a fast Regain.
Cap a Combat or Magic Skill
!capskill skillname
!capskill parry
Caps the GM's parrying skill to their current level and job.
Useful for testing weaponskill and combat balance changes. Would instantly grant you the skill level in a particular skill type to be 'optimal' for that job and level so that you can see how effective an 'optimal' character would be in a given situation.
Can also !capallskills
Reset Recast Timers
Resets the GM's recast timers on all spells and Job Abilities (need confirmation on this).
Useful for testing things that have particularly long delays. Can be used to reset a 2 hour ability timer a 3 minute cool-down..or even a 30 second spell timer (once again I need to confirm this).
Jailing and Pardoning

!jail Charname #
Where # is a cell number between 1 and 32
!pardon Charname
!jail Bill 3
Sends the character Bill to Mordion Gaol in cell number 3.
!pardon Bill
Removes Bill from Mordion Gaol and sends him to his currently set homepoint.
Jailing characters is effective because all actions are restricted except for /say commands inside the Mordion Gaol zone. This means a character cannot use items, job abilities, or spells to escape. Status effects are also removed and the character fully healed upon entry so that death may not be used as a means of escape. Once you jail a character, you should send a GM to discuss his or her infraction and the period of the sentencing as soon as possible.
There are 32 unique cells inside the Mordion Gaol zone. You may put several people in the same cell for a large incident if desired, but it may be helpful to divide people out into factions or individual cells if it is a highly polarized dispute. Since /say is the only method of communication available, the conversation could get pretty confusing with too many people talking at once, so use your best judgement on how to split people up.
Add Dynamis Time
!adddynatime #
Adds # minutes to the remaining time in Dynamis for the instance which the player using the command is in.
!adddynatime 60
If you are in Dynamis - Bastok when using this command, 60 minutes will be added for ALL players currently in Dynamis - Bastok. This extends to players that enter after the use of this command.
Add All Attachments
!addallattachments player
!addallattachments Bill
Adds all Automaton Attachments to player running the command or the player specified.
Add All Trusts
!addalltrusts player
!addalltrusts Bill
Adds all trust spells to player running the command or the player specified.
Add Currency
!addcurrency currency_type value
!addcurrency currency_type value player
Where currency_type is from Currency Types and value is the amount to give.
!addcurrency bastok_cp 1000
Adds specified amount of currency type to player running the command or the player specified.
Add Status Effect to Player
!addeffect {player} effect {power} {duration}
Where effect is from Status Effect IDs.
Power is the strength of the status effect.
Duration is how long the effect will last in seconds.
!addeffect Bill 33 40 300
Adds the Haste effect to Bill with a power of 40 for 300 seconds (5 min).
!addeffect 33 40 300
Adds the Haste effect to player running the command with a power of 40 for 300 seconds (5 min).
Gives the status to the player running the command or the player specified.
Power is optional and has default value of 1.0
Duration is optional and has default value of 60.
Add/Check/Delete Mission
!addmission logID missionID {player}
!checkmission logID {player}
!delmission logID missionID {player}
Where logID is from Log IDs. (Can use either the Log ID number or name.)
Where missionID is from Missions. (Must use the Mission ID number.)
!addmission 0 1
Set the active mission for the player running the command to San d'Oria mission 1 (Bat Hunt).
!addmission Bastok 1 Bill
Set the active mission for Bill to Bastok mission 1 (Geological Survey).
!checkmission 0
Check which San d'Orian mission the player running the command is on.
!checkmission Bastok Bill
Check which Bastok mission player Bill is on.
!delmission 0 1
Remove San d'Oria mission 1 from the player running the command.
!delmission Bastok 1 Bill
Remove Bastok mission 1 from the player Bill.
Adds, Reports or Removes the currently active mission for the specified Log ID.
- WARNING* Add mission will replace whatever the current mission is for the specified Log ID.
Add/Check/Delete Quest
!addquest logID questID {player}
!checkquest logID questID {player}
!delquest logID questID {player}
Where logID is from Log IDs. (Can use either the Log ID number or name.)
Where questID is from Quests. (Must use the Quest ID number.)
Checkquest will report one of the following status: AVAILABLE, ACCEPTED or COMPLETED.
!addquest 0 1
Adds quest 1 (Water of the Cheval) to the player running the commands active quests for San d'Oria.
!addquest Bastok 1 Bill
Adds quest 1 (Beauty and the Galka) to Bills active quests for Bastok.
!checkquest 0 1
Checks and reports the status of San d'Oria quest 1 for the player running the command.
!checkquest Bastok 1 Bill
Check and report the status of Bastok quest 1 for player Bill.

!delquest 0 1
Remove San d'Oria quest 1 from the player running the command.
!delquest Bastok 1 Bill
Remove Bastok quest 1 from the player Bill.
Adds, reports or removes the quest for the specified Log ID in the players quest log.
Add Temporary Items to your Inventory
!addtempitem itemID
Where itemId is an ID from Usable Item IDs or the ID number in the item's url from FFXIAH.
!addtempitem 4202
Gives you a Daedalus Wing as a temporary item.
There is no notification that this command has worked. You will have to open your inventory and see if the item is there. You can have a maximum of 50 temporary items.
Rohan Gm Commands Hack Password
Add and Set Title
!addtitle titleID
!addtitle titleID player
Where titleID is from titles.lua.
!addtitle 28
!addtitle 28 Bill
Adds and sets the title of the player running the command or the player specified to 'Behemoth Dethroner'.
Add Item to Treasure pool
!addtreasure itemID
!addtreasure itemID player
Where itemId is an ID from ID References or the ID number in the item's url from FFXIAH.
!addtitle 17440
!addtitle 17440 Bill
Adds a Kraken Club directly to the treasure pool for the player running the command or to the treasure pool of the specified player.
Rohan Gm Commands Hack Commands
Add Weaponskill Points
!addweaponskillpoints slot points (Slot: main=0, sub=1, ranged=2)
!addweaponskillpoints slot points player (Slot: main=0, sub=1, ranged=2)
!addweaponskillpoints 0 300
!addweaponskillpoints 0 300 Bill
Adds 300 weaponskill points to the weapon equiped in slot 0 (Main hand) for the player running the command or player specified.
Open Auction House UI
Rohan Gm Commands Hack Download
Sends the packet to the client to open the Auction House UI. Works just like the Ashita AHGo addon.
Rohan Gm Commands Hack Commands
Rohan Gm Commands Hack Pastebin
Rohan Hacks | Status | By | Last Response | Rating |
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GG Commands for RohanPH Try to scan my files if you wan't you can also report it, if it is cheat engine file, but i'm sure .. | jobantog | [url=http://carins By Guest | 4 Votes | |
Make Your Own Rohan Hack | JustFairy | awdawdawdawdawdaw By aw14 | ||
Hacks for rohan UPDATE [10/10/2008] This EXE Contains:GM CommandsRemove Chat FilterNo Skill CooldownSee All Monster / Player Lev.. | ka0zzz |